‘Make your own plan’

Girls, make your own plan. Otherwise you will end up being a part of someone else’s plan – Ellen Faber

#stoeremeisjes Stoere meisjes inspiration

Stoeremeisjes UpdateStoere meisjes inspiration http://ift.tt/1KRreiZ : 5 Ways a Side Hustle Can Advance Your Career | Levo League | homepage, careeradvice, personal brand, side hustle, working full time. Read the whole article: http://ift.tt/1Dr1Wc4

#stoeremeisjes Stoere meisjes inspiration

Stoeremeisjes UpdateStoere meisjes inspiration http://ift.tt/1KRreiZ : What 6 Successful Women Were Doing in Their 20s | Levo League | 20s, careeradvice, career path. Read the whole article: http://ift.tt/1KRriiM